I've got 165 of these, and will try to post more scans, time permitting.
Unexplained, Issue 1:
- UFO: The UFO Paradoxby Hilary
- UFO: Strange Encounters of Many Kindsby Charles Bowen
- UFO: Photo File
- ESP: In Search of the Sixth Senseby Roy Stemman
- CRYPTOZOOLOGY: Man, Myth or Monsterby
Janet and Colin Bord
Unexplained, Issue 2:
- HYPNOSIS: The Power of Suggestionby Brian Inglis
- HUMAN COMBUSTION: Ashes to Ashesby
Bob Rickard
- UFO: Photo File
- BLACK HOLES: Where Time Stopsby Nigel Henbest
- ESP: Messages in the Mindby
Roy Stemman
- CRYPTOZOOLOGY: On the Bigfoot Trailby Janet and Colin Bord
Unexplained, Issue 3:
- BLACK HOLES: Doorway to beyondby Nigel Henbest
- HUMAN COMBUSTION: A Strange Unnatural Burningby
Bob Rickard
- KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY: Images of the Unseenby
Brian Snellgrove
- HYPNOSIS: Other voices, other livesby
David Christie-Murray
- UFO: The New Zealand UFO filmby
Charles Bowen
Unexplained, Issue 4:
- BLACK MADONNAS: Virgins with a pagan pastby
Richard Leigh & M. Baigent
- ESP: Clues from Clairvoyanceby
Roy Stemman
- UFO: Photo file
- UFO TECHNOLOGY: Spinning through spaceby
Tony Osman
- CRYPTOZOOLOGY: Creatures from the voidby
Janet & Colin Bord
- HYPNOSIS: The case for Bridey Murphyby
David Christie-Murphy
Unexplained, Issue 5:
- BLACK HOLES: Building a black holeby
Adrian Berry
- HUMAN COMBUSTION: Mysteries of the human bonfireby
Bob Rickard
- UFO TECHNOLOGY: On an H-Bomb to the starsby
Tony Osman
- SEA MONSTERS: Monsters of the deepby
Janet & Colin Bord
- KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY: Reading betweent the linesby
Brian Snellgrove
- UFO CASEBOOK: Silently, out of the night skyby
Charles Bowen